Amelie is almost 13 months old!


So, this is my first ever post! Amelie recently turned one. I can’t believe my beautiful baby is not so much a baby anymore 😦 She started walking at 11 months old and is now a very confident walker. She never crawls anywhere anymore! Her once round chubby face has slimmed down and her hair now touches her neck.

She had her 1st birthday party and got totally spoilt! She is such a happy girl. She LOVES music and dancing and especially loves soft toys. She walks round the house holding onto a teddy or baby – one in each hand! It’s so cute. Her new thing is climbing onto the tv unit and laughing, I tell her no a thousand times and she just gives me her little cheeky laugh and smile and I end up having to pull her off giggling to myself. I can’t help it! She is so interested in everything and has to touch EVERYTHING in her little grasp. She loves tv and will happily watch anything on it. She now eats everything we eat and has the same dinners as we do. It’s nice that we can sit and eat dinner all together and a plus is that I no longer have to make two meals!

Her bedtime is around 7pm and she wakes up at around 7am. She goes straight to sleep most of the time. Amelie loves other children and loves to be round her cousins playing in the garden. She recently discovers walking backwards lol! And pulls her pram around whilst walking backwards. It’s so cute. She sais a fair few words now ‘mama’ ‘dada’ ‘nana’ ‘grandad’ ‘ta’ ‘nunite’ and a few more. she understands names and when I say ‘bath time’ ‘dinner time’ ‘bedtime’ ‘sit down’ etc.

I’ve thought about going back to work a few days a week and Amelie going to nursery a few mornings as it will be good for her to be around other children. During the week we dont really see any other children. Unless i take her to soft play or swimming. Sometimes I feel like I run out of things to do with her but then I remember she is still only a one year old. there doesn’t seem to be any suitable jobs for me at the moment and nursery is soooooo expensive!! so I might wait till next year when she is 2.

The thought of leaving her at nursery makes me feel so sad. 😦 at the minute I’m loving being a mummy and spending every day with my baby girl an doig things together. because after all, you don’t get these 1st few years back and when she turns 3 she will be going every day for 3 hours 😦 then full time school ‘sobs’ so I’m enjoying these 1st few years and when she goes to school I will go to work 🙂

Love rachel

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